Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

AKI Contractors believes strongly in protecting the privacy of its users, customers, suppliers, and employees. We collect personal information only when necessary.

We do not collect any personal information about users of our web site unless they take advantage of its customization/customer features. We collect only aggregate information about the behaviour of web visitors in order to improve the quality of the site.

By using our web site you consent to the collection, transfer and use of your personal information in the manner set out below.

Collection of personal/company information. In some cases, we may ask you for personal/company information, including your name/company name, postal address and email address.

Event registration: If a user registers for an event on-line, their personal information will be used to fulfill that request, and may be shared with third parties involved with the event (a hotel, for instance).

E-mail: If you send an e-mail message to us, we will use your e-mail address and other information you provide to respond to your request.

Subscriptions: If you subscribe to one of our online rewards, catalogue etc.,, we use the information you provide to send you e-mail updates. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting our Webmaster whose details are provided below.

Surveys: The information we collect in online surveys is used for internal research purposes. In general, we do not divulge individual responses to surveys except for participant names. Exceptions to this policy are noted when users access particular surveys..

Cookies. A cookie is a text-only string of information stored on a user’s hard drive that allows a website to remember who you are. For general users of the site, cookies are used only during a user session (to maintain rewards points, for instance) and are then deleted. We do use persistent cookies to identify users who take advantage of the customization features of the site and to save this identification between site visits. Please refer to the Cookie Policy on the site for more information.

Third parties. We do not share or sell the information you provide with parties outside of AKI Contractors unless required for Event registration as mentioned above.

Accessing and Updating: If your personal information changes or if you no longer wish to receive a service, please let the Webmaster know by emailing webmaster@AKIContractors .ca and we will correct, update or remove your details. You are entitled to see the information held about you. If you wish to do this, please contact us.

Modification: This privacy policy is subject to change. All changes will be posted on this page.

If you have any questions about AKI Contractors privacy practices, please contact our Webmaster at:

Aki Contractors
665 boul. St-Joseph, Gatineau, Québec J8Y 4B3
Telephone : 819-635-7600
e-mail: [email protected] 

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